Grading Scale for CMS middle schools
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59-Below
Late Work
Late work is better than no work. Late work will be accepted with point deductions. For some assignments the point deductions will be given for every block ( every class period it is late) for other assignments, penalties will be given for every day it is late. One day is considered after dismissal on the date an assignment is due unless otherwise indicated.
Warm Up
Students are given prompts (questions or statements that are related to what we will focus on in class that day) to respond to. Students can earn points for responding to all prompts and turning in a paper that is in the correct format and contains the correct information. If all information is present but not in the proper format points will be deducted. Turning in an assignment that is missing a significant amount of information gets a score of 50%. Assignments that have little or no information or show evidence of plagiarism will receive a zero (0).
Binder Check
Students are required to have a 1-1/2 inch binder with 5 labeled tabs. This binder must be dedicated to science. They must be able to turn in the binder and leave it with me for one or more class periods. If students are not able to get a binder, any notebook will work as long as they have enough paper in it to put the information in the required order. If a student forgets his/ her binder, he/she must record the information on loose leaf paper with notations that show that he/she understands where to put it when the binder is found or brought to class. This information can be glued, taped or stapled onto the correct page. Binder checks may or may not be announced. The information that goes into the binder is provided by me in class. Students copy difficult words from the board or textbook or as I read and/ or tell them what to write. Diagrams/ illustrations of the pages are placed on the board as the binder is set up and students view the pages of my binder so they are clear about what should go on each page.*Check your child's binder. The graded rubric sheet for each binder check will allow you to track your child's progress. This must not be removed from the notebook. Points available for binder checks may vary.
Article of the Week (Objective Article)
This is the dedicated literacy component of my class. Students will receive a printed copy of a document to complete "think marks" as they break down the content in the document. This includes noting the main ideas, creating summaries, locating vocabulary in need of clarification (specific to the individual students), making personal connections, listing questions that arise from reading the document and recording answers once they have been discovered or provided in class.
A quiz may be announced or UN-announced. When a quiz is announced, students are told and the dates are posted on the calendar page. UN-announced quizzes are usually a part of a warm-up and are designed to help the students realize what areas they need to focus on to prepare for the formal weighted quiz. The points available will vary per quiz. *There are no retakes for informal quizzes.
Class Work
Extensions are not granted for any assignments that are to be completed in class (due during class time or at the end of the class period) under any circumstances unless the student was pulled from class by an administrator. In this case, students will be expected to complete the work by the next class period unless the assignment was related to an experiment performed while the student was not in the room. Students may make up missed classwork by coming to my room during homeroom with permission from their assigned homeroom teacher.
Extra Credit
My philosophy on extra credit is that it typically isn't needed if students are giving full effort to each assignment / project and when students take advantage of the opportunity to turn in late work. Therefore, extra credit opportunities in my class are limited. There may be an opportunity at the end of a quarter or semester. However, parents and students are strongly advised not to depend on, or expect extra credit assignments.
Content List
I. Scientific Processes
II. Matter
III. Energy
IV. Waves
V. Earth
VI. Ecosystems
VII. Plants